About Us
The Location of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm Science Centre) is in Kawakal Block of Nawada District which located in the Southern part of Bihar The District less between 240 30 and 2505 N latitude and 85017 and 86000 R Longitude. It consists of 14 district constitute two district physiographic regions though average rainfall of Nawada is 1037mm. It is characterize by erratic distribution of rainfall, frequent drought and low productivity rainfed farming.
Southern part of the district suffer from numerous biophysical and socio economic constraints such as small and fragmented land holding Land degradation inequitable agrarian structure and poor infrastructure shrive and finances.
Since the establishment of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sokhodeora Nawada has been growing steadily catering to the training and other needs of the farmer of District and thus helping them to increase their production in agriculture and its allied enterprises by adoption of new technologies suited to their local condition.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra has developed a very smooth linkage with different organization /Agencies to strength the Krishi Vigyan Kendra programme. It receives technical physical. Economic support from different organization to increase the productivity of the area
- Organized short term and long term residential training course in agriculture and allied sectors far farmer and rural youth with the emphasis on learning by doing for higher production on farm and generating self employment.
- Conducting on farm testing for indentifies technologies in term of location specific sustainable land use system.
- Organize training to update the extension personal with emerging advance in agriculture research on regular basis .
- Organize front line demonstration on various crops on proven technologies to generate production data and feedback information.
- Work as a resource and knowledge centre of agriculture technology for supportive imitative of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agriculture economy of District, as well as state.
- To provide quality seed and planting materials.